300MW Solar Power Generation…Libra Energy of Australia Opens Corridor in Salone

Libra Energy of Australia has published a project overview on the 300MW solar PV power generation project in Sierra Leone on 28 November 2020

Dr. Roderick Stephenson-CEO

On 4th September 2018, Libra Energy of Australia signed MoU with the Ministry of Energy on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone to develop Solar PV power generation in Sierra Leone.
The project consists of 300MW solar energy generation including free electricity to the government schools in Sierra Leone. It includes 30MW/60MWh Lithium-Ion battery backup. Libra Energy shall develop a 285MW solar power station in Port Loko and 15MW on the roof top of the government schools.

Chanan Deluya-Managing Director
Libra Energy has submitted a prefeasibility study on February 2019 and Environmental Impact Assessment and Feasibility Study on July 2019. We currently plan to sign the power purchase agreement (PPA) with the government as soon as possible
The city council of Port Loko submitted their letter of consent to the Ministry of Energy on April 2019.
On November 2019, Libra Energy of Australia have signed the land MoU with the City Council of Port Loko including the mayor, the regent chief and local land owners in which the council agreed to provide the 670 ha land for the 285MW solar power station and support the project and Libra Energy agreed to provide street lights in the city of Port Loko and the villages near the site. 

Abdulrahman Musa-Johnson

Some of the major benefits to the people of Sierra Leone
• Libra Energy shall increase four folds the electricity production in Sierra Leone.

  • The increase in energy generation shall lead to establishment of many factories in the country
  • The factories shall employ thousands of people across the country and reduce import.
  • The increase in local industries shall increase the GDP and government revenue.
    • Libra Energy shall provide direct and indirect employment to many people in Sierra Leone and in particular in Port Loko. It shall also offer more growth in Port Loko as the project shall require local suppliers and services such as food, accommodation, supermarkets, restaurants, security, transport, sand, gravel and other building materials etc.
  • During the construction stage we shall employ more people and provide quality training.
  • With a large investment of US$400mn it shall be the largest project in Port Loko and shall benefit the local residents.
  • During the 25 years of operation Libra Energy of Australia shall maintain the power generation, clean the solar panels, arrange security with local contractors and manage the electricity supply together with the city council of Port Loko, Ministry of Energy, EDSA and EGTC.
  • Solar energy is a clean form of power that require no fuel, create no smoke or any other kind of pollution and one of the most popular renewable energy technology in the world today.
  • It is much cheaper than diesel generator and super clean and reliable, together with battery storage.
  • The solar project shall provide electricity to hundreds of thousands of people in Sierra Leone which can be used for lights, TV, cooking, charging phones and computers, air condition, hot water, refrigerator, oven, fans etc.
  • As part of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) we shall provide free electricity to all the government schools in Sierra Leone.
  • We shall also provide free street lights for the city of Port Loko and the villages near the site.

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