After the SLPP government of President Bio has continuously stifled the work of the Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki- Sawyerr, in the past five years, its detractors have been raising dust over the development agenda of the Mayor in favour of an unknown entity in the political landscape. Her critics, most of whom are mere attention seekers, have failed to draw the astute Mayor into responding to their vague allegations.
It could be recalled that Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr has been heavily investigated by the ACC, Local Government Ministry and the police, but in all their endeavors, they have had nothing tangible to nail her. Desp[ite actions taken by the government to bring discord to her work, with a Chief Administrator not seeing eye to eye with his boss to a rancor with her Deputy, the Mayor has been able to make some progress in her transform Freetown agenda. Several trees have been planted to mitigate against Climate Change, which seem to be adversely affecting the country through floods and other natural disasters, the construction of new dumpsites, courtesy of the EU sponsorship, which was demolished by the Lands Ministry at New England, the apparent abandonment of waste cleared from drainages by the absence of waste collection trucks, as well as resources for fuel etc. Clearing of drainages was taken over by the SLRA, effectively rendering her initiative to clean the city dormant.
Unfortunately, many underestimated the commitment of Aki-Sawyer, and tapping on her connections, she has been able to embark on several projects, among which is the Aberdeen round about, where a once abandoned center has been transformed into a green scenery introducing tourists to the beauty of the Aberdeen-Lumley beach area.
As the campaign for re-election heats up, her detractors are busy spewing falsehood to get
her to respond, but the cool and calculated lady has left them frustrated in not responding, and has been busy with her campaign for re-election. Freetonians know that the Mayor has done what is in her power to do and what the resources available to her can do. A huge majority of Freetonians want her to continue the good work, and in the event that her party takes over the mantle of leadership, she will be able to bring to fruition her transform Freetown plans.