As Dead Corpse Discovered…

Who Killed IPAM Student at HBS H. Baydoun & Sons Store

Hundreds of Sierra Leoneans gathered in anger and frustration on Wilberforce Street in central Freetown on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, following the discovery of the body of a third-year student from the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) inside HBS H. Baydoun & Sons store.

According to Central Base Journalists Sierra Leone (CBJ-SL), it alleged that the deceased, Mr. Alie Thullah, a technician, had been hired by the store’s management under the supervision of the Business Manager, Mr. Mayhie, to install a Satcon Satellite dish and fix electrical issues.
Reports say,Mr. Mayhie is currently in police custody, assisting with investigations into the mysterious death of the well-known IT professional.
Thullah had been working at the Lebanese-owned business establishment throughout Monday, September 30, 2024. However, confusion surrounds the circumstances in which he was allegedly locked inside the shop by management overnight, only to be found dead the next morning.
Some eyewitnesses suggest that Thullah may have been electrocuted, while others offer conflicting theories about the cause of death. A postmortem examination is expected to be conducted on the body of deceased.
Family members of the deceased, along with his colleagues from IPAM, have visited the police station to demand answers. CBJ-SL attempted to speak with the business manager, Mr. Mayhie, but his lawyer advised him not to comment on the matter.
More details as the investigation unfolds.

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