Edward Meijers and Co. have been wasting their time and efforts all these while, spreading lies about Edwin Huijzendveld, a honest Dutch Business man, in a bid to prevent Edwin Huijzendveld from saving investors from their nefarious activities.

Edwin Huijzendveld is a Dutch citizen who has never come to Africa and Sierra Leone, in particular. In 2022, Tandem Liber Holding (a Company owned by Edward Meijers) and Edward Meijers brought an action against Edwin Huijzendveld in Sierra Leone, alleging information theft. Edward Meijers & Co presented deceptive facts to the Sierra Leone Magistrate Court to obtain a bench warrant and court order against Edwin Huijzendveld. The address stated on the Summons presented to the Court, is Radisson Blu Hotel in Sierra Leone, a place where Edwin Huijzendveld has never been.

Edwin Huijzendveld neither was served personally with any Court Summons in Sierra Leone, nor attended any court proceedings in Sierra Leone in respect of the alleged matter, and has never been represented by any lawyer in the said matter.
Edward Meijers & Co are preventing Edwin Huijzendveld from obtaining facts about Tandem Liber Holding mining operation in Sierra Leone, as alleged.
See next publication for facts.