For being Party Loyalist To The Apc…

Amadu Abdul Kargbo Declared Wanted

The tradition and customs of our natives is guided by laws since the pre-colonial era of Africa and Sierra Leone in particular where elections matters are more than a taboo. On the 25th of June 2018, a political fight issue occurred at sesay street, makeni, bombali district in Sierra Leone, where one young guy known as Amadu Abdul Kargbo lost his entire family members at the above measured address. According to findings Amadu was leaving with his family members including his father, mother, and his two brothers. Amadu father known as Mr Kargbo was a well known and strong fanatic member of the All people congress political party APC. Mr Kargbo had furth very hard to make sure that the APC came into governance from 2007 on to early 2018, and he also played pivotal role to bring his party back into power in the 2018 general elections, but unfortunately the APC party became an opposition after the concluded 2018 general elections in the country when the sierra Leone people’s party SLPP came in governance and up to date. On the 25 of June 2018, during the morning hours, some notorious gang of criminals, witchcraft doctors from the ruling party and some officers attacked the residence of Mr Kargbo, the father of Amadu with dangerous arms in their hands as alleged. The team of SLPP gangs and the police with some witchcraft doctors entered forcefully into house with vengeance and immediately struck  the elder brother of Amadu to death as he is the first son the Mr Kargbo, just because they knew that Mr Kargbo and his entire family are strong members of the APC party. They got hold of Amadu mother and younger brother and took them out of the house to an unknown location by the force. Just after that Mr Kargbo was taken to the hospital by some good neighbors around them, due to the presure because he’s a heart attack patient, unfortunately on the 26 of June Mr Kargbo passed away. After few days the team of the SLPP gang of criminals returned back to the house of late Mr Kargbo and left with no option but to burn down the late man’s house. On the same 25 of June, Amadu was not at home when the incident happened, he went out to visit his friend in another community, Amadu received a call from one of their closest neighbors that for him not to return home  because calamity has just happened in their house. Immediately after the telephone conversation, Amadu ran away just to save his life as alleged. After few days ago, the gang of notorious criminals, the witchcraft doctors with the force had an information that the late Mr Kargbo who was a member of the APC had a 27 year old son by the name of Amadu Abdul Kargbo who’s alive, from then they started hunting Amadu all over the bombali district just to make sure that he must also dead so he can join his acenstores to the grave. The 27 year old who is known as Amadu, the late Mr Kargbo son who is still alive tried very hard and moved to somewhere in freetown from bombali district just to secure his life, as his life is insecure and also in danger in the hands of the ruling party just because the Kargbo family more particular from the above measured address are not just members but share holder of the APC party as alleged. According to findings after searching for Amadu all over bombali and some other districts within the country, but Amadu was no we’re to be found. Amadu Abdul Kargbo of the above measured address was declared wanted. As soon as Amadu had that information, he immediately tried very hard and moved out of the country on the 13 October 2018, at midnight. Maenwhile Amadu is on the run to an unknown destination to save his life from those that want to kill him like they did to his entire family just because of politics as alleged. More on this story in our next edition

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