Proud to have held the maiden class with the new students that have been recruited into the DIPLOMA IN LEGAL STUDIES program recently introduced in the Faculty of Law, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.

The Diploma program will run for two years and if a student successfully completes the program with a 55% threshold, he or she will be admitted into year 2 of the LLB honors degree program.
Significantly also, the Diploma in Legal Studies will provide legal education to persons who may not want to practice law as a career but are rather desirous of having some legal education to enhance their professional work and career path.

The course will also be useful to legal clerks and secretaries, judicial officers and those interested in paralegal studies as the LEGAL AID BOARD will be certifying students enrolled in this Diploma program at the end of the course as Para-legals.
Thanks to the dynamic Dean, HOD, Undergraduate Course Coordinator, Claira Carlton Hanciles of the Legal Aid Board and other lecturers in the Faculty of Law, FBC for rolling out such a unique program in the University.

Rashid Dumbuya Esq
Undergraduate course Coordinator and Law Society Supervisor, FBC