High Court Stops Cricket Association’s AGM

According to investigation mounted by this medium in respect of the activities of the Sierra Leone Cricket Association, it was learnt that the High Court, presided over by Justice Momoh Jah Stevens, has ordered an interim Injunction on the proposed Annual General Meeting of the Association, after some members of the Association filed an ‘exparte’ motion for the Court to stop the holding of the AGM until the complaints made against it is heard and determined.

According to our investigation, the aggrieved officials say that the Chairman of the Association, Trevor Samura, has been acting against the spirit of the Association, taking unilateral decisions and unable to account for huge funds, allegedly used to undertake several projects. They accused the Chairman of being responsible for the current state of the Association, where it is unable to participate in any international competition, failure to improve on the 32 Acre land given to the Association by the government at Sussex Village, and fears that the government might repossess the said land, since the basis of offering the said land to the Association is that it should embark on the construction of a facility that would enhance the game in the country.

Furthermore, it was revealed that Chairman Trevor Samura collected some $32,000 for the development of a Cricket Pitch at Fourah Bay College, but nothing has been done on the said land to show for the use of that amount in the said development.

Our source further disclosed that a complaint was made to the NSA and the Ministry of Sports on the activities of the Chairman, and a Committee was set up by the Sports Ministry to investigate the claims against the Chair, comprising NSA, Sports Ministry, CSO, and Association members, and a series of recommendations made to the Ministry for action, which included the setting up of an interim body to run the Association until an AGM is held, where a new executive will be elected. It was further revealed that Chairman Trevor Samura, desirous of influencing the AGM, is rushing to hold the AGM, with hand-picked supporters to endorse him.

It is their desire that Chairman Trevor Samura accounts for his stewardship, and also relinquish the said position, as he is seen as inimical to the development of the sport in the country. And in order to address this situation, the members sought an injunction from the Court, which was granted, to ensure that the right thing is done and sanity returns to the Association.

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