-HON. Mohamed Jalloh Blasts ECSL

By John Kelly Marah
On the appointment of presidential nominees in the Well of Parliament that took place on Thursday, Honourable Mohamed Alfred Jalloh of Falaba district spoke to Daybreak newspaper about his dissatisfaction with the appointment of Edmond Alpha as the electoral commissioner for the Southern Region.
Hon. Mohamed Jalloh of the APC stated that of the three nominees they only have a problem with Edmond Alpha as the electoral commissioner, Southern Region.
Hon. Jalloh went further by saying that the president did not consult the party before the nomination process and the constitution provides that the party must be consulted before any nomination process, which is the reason they stood their ground on participating in the debate, not the voting process, because their party was not consulted.

Moreover, Hon. Jalloh asserted that even though the constitution provides for consultation it does not provide for approval, adding that they were not expecting the party to approve Mr. Edmond Alpha.
Meanwhile, Hon. Jalloh said they had already made their position when the president wanted to consult that Mr. Edmond Alpha is among the commissioners that presided over the recent election that gave birth to the Tripartite Committee dialogue we are currently having in the country. He said they take exception to the appointment of Mr. Edmond Alpha as electoral commissioner, Southern Region.
Furthermore, Hon. Jalloh asserted that the election has huge statistical discrepancy, which he wanted to point out because he was given the opportunity to speak on them in the Well of Parliament and inform Sierra Leoneans about the great statistical lacunar.
He said he was not allowed to make it clear because the speaker had ruled out of order, which cannot change the fact that the election was rigged.

Hon. Jalloh also stated that the ECSL had “shinka” or “cheated” the people of this country. Jalloh said although he had access to the elections data, which result was not published according to proper division, “You will know that the election was being rigged by Konneh”.
Hon. Jalloh concluded by saying “This is konnehmatic not mathematic.”

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