Manufacturer of Islamic Wears Break Silence

By Donstance Koroma

Economists and Development study professionals hold the view that for a nation to develop a nation should be able to produce what they eat and what they wear.

Since the enactment of Sierra Leone’s Local Content Policy, small scale manufacturers have raised their heads with an unwavering determination to break limits in the manufacturing industry of Sierra Leone.

Ibrahim Jalloh, local manufacturer of Islamic caps, Ejabs, gowns for male, female and children, Mukays of all colours and sizes told this medium that the advent of the Local Content Policy is a blessing for many.

He added that when a nation middle level manpower is equipping and vibrant contribute to the decrease in unemployment among youth, noting that it reduces crime.

According to Jalloh, the Islamic designer, his business center is located at 21 Kissy Road, Freetown.
The business, he noted had and continues to empower many families economically and therefore called on unemployed youth to fight tooth and nail to go in search of trade that will bring development to their families and the nation as a whole .
As the holy month of Ramadan is drawing closer, the demand for Islamic Wears will be in the increase.

For customers in the provinces they could purchase their items by contacting the following numbers 076-15-88-65 and 088-33-15-76.

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