Over Sacking of Female Journalist…

Information Minister, SLBC DG Exposed

It has become crystal clear that the sacking of a female journalist, who was an employee of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) all emanated from the powers that be due to a posted video by the sacked SLBC journalist.
Reliable sources gathered by this medium, alleged that the Minister of Information and Civic Education, Chernor Bah alias C Bah instructed the SLBC Director General to immediately dismiss the female journalist. With no other option left, the SLBC Director General succumbed to the directive of the Information Minister.

Currently, the female journalist who was under constant threats from unknown social media bullies has fled to an unknown country and she is now living in a deplorable condition.
The saga between the government and the female journalist emanated when she posted a video on social media related to the Town Hall Meeting recently held at Bintumani Conference Centre where a female was rudely disrupted by the Minister of Information and SLPP supporters from asking President Bio a question. WIMSAL, an institution formed by practicing female journalists has issued a strong condemnation of the summary dismissal of Umu Thoronka from the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) in Makeni. The organization has also raised concerns over repeated threats made against her following her dismissal. According to a press release from WIMSAL, Ms. Thoronka has served the SLBC for over ten (10) years.WIMSAL has criticized the manner of Ms. Thoronka’s dismissal, stating that it was carried out without prior warning letter or any formal explanation. The organization argues that this action is a direct violation of the Employment Act of 2023, which requires a fair and transparent process for terminating an employee employment contract. WIMSAL further views this incident not only as an infringement of Ms.

Thoronka’s rights as an employee but also as an attack on freedom of speech and journalistic integrity.
WIMSAL has referred to the harassment and threats against Ms. Thoronka “totally unacceptable” and admonished the Government of Sierra Leone, particularly the Ministry of Information and Civic Education to investigate the circumstances surrounding her dismissal. The organization also demanded that the authorities take immediate action to address the threats against her life.
“This is not just a fight for one woman, but also a fight for all women in the media, who continue to face discrimination, harassment, and threats in the course of their professional duties,” the press release concluded.

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