Re-Election of Desmond Pessima SLPP North America Chairman

The workaholic, dynamic, unconquerable, and inimitable Chairman of the Sierra Leone People’s Party in the North America Region (SLPPNA), Chairman Desmond Pessima, is all set for an unavoidable and comfortable re-election as Chairman of the SLPPNA.

There are plethora of reasons for Desmond Pessima’s momentous re-election as the ‘Back to Back’ Chairman of the SLPPNA. Those reasons are ineradicably written on the walls of the four corners of the region and beyond. Desmond Pessima’s transformative, transparent, accountable, and progressive leadership has made the region enviable and fashionable in the generational history of SLPPNA. The SLPPNA, once engulfed in mammoth disunity, conflict-driven region, and vocal fisticuffs of tug-of-war, has been transmogrified and is now dubbed the surgical center of unification, serenity, and cherished region under the astute and charismatic leadership of Chairman Desmond Pessima. The SLPPNA Region, which was once stereotyped as vociferously problematic, has gained a redemption of calmness, serenity, unification, and discipline under the Pessima Administration.

Away from the hard-earned serenity of the region, the youngest-ever chairman of the SLPPNA, Desmond Pessima, has been very much conscious of fiscal discipline and resource mobilization for the region and for the Party at the National Level. Under the visionary and messianic leadership of Chairman Desmond Pessima, Desmond Pessima’s SLPPNA Administration is on indelible records as the only diaspora unit of the SLPP to have supported the re-election of President Julius Maada Bio with the astronomical sum of dollars. Not even the UK&I matched the resource mobilization for the re-election of President Bio. The SLPPNA, under the Pessima Administration, is also on ineffaceable records for the convergence of twenty-five (25) delegates from the United States of America to the Bo Mini Stadium for the re-endorsement of President Julius Maada Bio’s 2023 re-election. This was the maiden initiative ever in the SLPPNA’s history to converge twenty-five (25) Delegates to participate in the SLPP National Delegate Conference. The twenty-five (25) delegates were pivotal in the 2023 elections of National Officers for the SLPP.

Unlike previous administrations of SLPPNA which lacked the gumption to address the persistent atavistic tendency of the APC supporters embedded with unpatriotic, unnationalistic, and primitive disorderly jumbled behavior whenever President Julius Maada Bio visits the United States of America for United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). This perennial, messy situation of the APC’s outdated 99 tactics of pulling down and chanting down at the President whenever he goes for the United Nations General Assembly has been buried under the carpet under the Pessima Administration. Chairman Desmond Pessima has consistently ensured that absolute quietude and tranquility have been accorded to the Presidential Delegation going to the United Nations General Assembly in New York and other parts of the United States of America. The indomitable SLPPNA Chairman Pessima, who travels back and forth from the USA to Sierra Leone and from Sierra Leone to the State’s, is analogously compared to the ways this author often travels from Freetown to his village.

Desmond Pessima’s travel frequency from the United States to Sierra Leone became unmatched during the eleventh hour of the 2023 Presidential Campaign when the SLPP Party at the National Level saw the potential in her wife to come and aspire for the position of Member of Parliament in Port Loko District. This national call was like a daunting task for Madam Pessima, who had never thought of coming into the political limelight, especially to run under the SLPP ticket in the APC-dominated stronghold of Port Loko District. But her political messiah, Chairman Desmond Pessima, saw the possibility and motivated his wife to come run in the APC-power-thirst-district of Port Loko. The compendium responsibilities for the workaholic Chairman of SLPPNA were smoothly carried out. Whilst Chairman Pessima was manning the efficacious functionality of the SLPPNA Region, Desmond, together with his wife, not only deployed in Port Loko like allied forces, but also inculcated the determinism to tour and campaign across the radius and circumference of Port Loko District, especially in constituency 069 which earned his wife Hon.

Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima a comfortable seat in Parliament as Member of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone. ‘The Back to Back’ Chairman Desmond Pessima has been widely celebrated as the ‘Kings Maker’ for bringing seven aspirants from North America to contest in the 2023 elections for the position of Members of Parliament. Out of the seven aspirants from the SLPPNA, four (4) made it to the ‘Promise Land’, and they are now addressed as Members of the Sixth Parliament of Sierra Leone. By this author’s anticipated estimation, the re-election of Chairman Desmond Pessima, taking into cognizance his hard work and transformative leadership of SLPPNA, not only made it inevitable but also safe sailing. Chairman Desmond Pessima has won prestigious awards for his outstanding and enviable leadership in the SLPPNA. Chairman Pessima’s selfless leadership precipitated the President’s national call for Desmond Pessima to serve as the President’s youth adviser while he still provides robust and magnificent leadership in the SLPPNA Region. *The Pessima’s Media Team

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