Sylvia Blyden’s Unmasked Hatred for Ernest Bai Koroma is Sickening

Concerned Sierra Leoneans are asking questions about why Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden has so much hatred for former president Ernest Bai Koroma (ENK).

It could be recalled that during the two terms of the former president, Sylvia Blyden was fortunate to serve the former president in two different capacities. She first served as Minister of Social welfare, and also as the first ever Special Executive Assistant (SEA) to the former president

Before her appointment by the former president, Sylvia Blyden in her Awareness Times newspaper cartooned Ernest Bai Koroma with horns on his head in an upside down position on the newspaper. But despiye this affront to his reputation, he still had the good heart to appoint Sylvia Blyden to serve his government as a Cabinet Minister.

After the two terms of the former president, Sylvia Blyden has today turned out to be his biggest enemy on planet earth. Concerned Sierra Leoneans, APC supporters at home and abroad are wondering what crime the former president committed against Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden that has led her to so profusely so such hatred for someone who had twice appointed her to sensitive positions in his government.

Sylvia Blyden’s hate for forther president Koroma has gone so badly that she is now publicly describing President Bio as the best president ever in the history of Sierra Leone, while at the same time, many Sierra Leoneans are describing President Bio as the worst president ever in Sierra Leone.

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