Though many detractors are of the view that current economic situation will work against President Bio’s second term bid, developments on the round suggests otherwise, as the IMF has approved the disbursement of $20 million for the country to enable it address the current economic situation.
According to the IFM, the economic situation is not peculiar to Sierra Leone, but is a global phenomenon, with many countries at debt risk. The IMF has therefore extended the country’s ECF Program by five months, a sign of confidence in the economic policies of the Bio-led government. The IMF recognized the challenges facing countries, especially poor countries, as a result of unprecedented overlapping multiple crises that have severely impacted on all countries’ economies. These crises have manifested in high inflation, deteriorating external accounts, depreciation of currencies, high interest rates, rising debt levels and other vulnerabilities.

President Bio’s external relations with international bodies has been exemplary, leading to the election of Sierra Leone to the UN Security Council in a non-permanent Member status, this reinforces the view that laundering of the image of the country internationally by the President has been productive, yielding fruits like the extension of its ECF and now, a UN Security Council seat.
Despite criticisms over his Free Quality School Education program, yet his opponents have still embraced the same policy in their respective manifestos, which is an indication that President Bio’s flagship program was not misplaced. Though critics have wondered where His Excellency would get the money to introduce the program, today, some two million kids are attending school, and some 60% of schools in the country are getting school feeding to encourage them to go to school.
To further encourage young women who had unfortunately gotten pregnant, Bio’s government has introduced accessibility to this group of girls to ensure that they do not drop out of school, but continue their schooling after giving birth. The development of Technical and Vocational institutes across the country also provides skills training of youths to make them self-reliant. Several other development initiatives have been taken, like construction of a new Ultra-Modern Airport Terminal at Lungi, construction of roads and bridges across the country to facilitate travelling, as well as trade between locals and neighboring countries.
Now, in his Manifesto, President Bio promised to concentrate of feeding the nation, which implies moves to make the country food sufficient. In this sector, President Bio has set up an agency that deals with all seed in the country, which has seen a significant increase in the quantity of rice seed produced in the country, leading to a shift in policy, where the government no longer imports rice seed, but grows its own rice seed in the country. Thus, with the introduction of His Excellency’s new Agricultural program, the stage has already been set to enhance quality seed and a boom in agriculture.
Against the aforementioned work of His Excellency, there is little doubt that he will emerge as winner of the coming election for a second time and actualize his promises. He is known to be a ‘Tok and Do’ President, and his track record supports this commitment to feeding the nation.