Police Declared Jalloh Momodu B Wanted

The Sierra Leone Police has mounted an intensive investigation into the August 8, 9 and 10, 2022 protests on the streets of Freetown and other parts of the country.

A youth activist, Jalloh Momodu B of Kamakwie Town, Karena District, has been declared wanted by the Sierra Leone Police in respect of the August 8, 9 and 10 2022 protests, on allegation of being among the ringleaders in mobilizing and leading the nationwide protest that led to the death of over 20 civilians and six police officers in Freetown and other parts of the country.

It could be recalled that on 10th August, 2022 some citizens stormed the streets of Western and Northern Sierra Leone, demonstrating against the government over the hardship, high cost of living and rapid inflation in the country, a situation that was preceded by audio messages on social media, calling on Sierra Leoneans to sit at home on 8 and 9 August, 2022 and on the 10th August 2022, to go out on the streets in protest against the government, thereby sending a message to the international community that they are tired with the happenings and hard times they are going through in the country.

One of the protesters, Alfred Mohamed Bangura, disclosed to this medium that the demonstration on 10th August, 2022, started peacefully with youths holding placards and singing songs calling on the government to stepdown, as they were tired with it. The demonstration continued for about four hours before the Sierra Leone Police interrupted the procession, using live bullets and firing teargas canisters on the peaceful protesters. The situation got out of hands when protesters saw three protesters shot dead in cold blood, thereby aggravating the situation, leading to the protesters to setting ablaze police stations, burning of tyres and setting up roads blocks.

According to a relative of Jalloh Momodu B, is alleged to have been leading a group of youths carrying the corpses of the victims to the mortuary. On their way, they were attacked by armed officers, who opened live firing on them, killing some of them and arresting others, including Jalloh Momodu B. He and the others were taken to Kamakwie Police station in Karena District.

This medium gathered that some of the youths that Jalloh Momodu B was arrested and detained with at the Kamakwie Police station, were set free by another set of angry youths, who attacked the police station to forcefully release Jalloh Momodu B and others.

This medium further gathered that during the chaos, Jalloh Momodu B and others escaped and ran for their lives, and upto press time, the whereabouts of Jalloh Momodu B is yet unknown, and the police has mounted a man hunt for him and the others.

The Sierra Leone Police, in their public notice, called on citizens to report and give information to the police about the whereabouts of Jalloh Momodu B and others that participated in the 10th August 2022 protest that led to the death of six police officers and over 20 civilians, with a bounty of Le 5, 000,000 reward provided for any information that will lead to the arrest of any of them.

However, family sources say that Jalloh was the bread winner of the family, and was living with his wife sister and kids, but that during the raid on his house by armed security officers, his sister was shot while trying to escape with Jalloh’s kids. They furthered that since that day Jalloh’s whereabouts are still unknown, and this has left his family worried, especially his mother. She is said to have been having sleepless nights and unable to eat. Amidst this situation, the family has faced regular raids and harassment from the police and ruling party operatives. The situation is worsened by the declaration of President Bio that the protesters were terrorists and should be severely dealt with.

Up to press time the family is still unable to know about the whereabouts of their son, as there are information of extra-judicial killings by security forces.