…Says Al-Sankoh Conteh
The former Deputy Sports Minister, Ishmael Al-Sankoh Conteh has called on All People’s Congress (APC) party supporters to have faith and be courageous that the APC is going to bounce back come 2028. He was making this statement during an exclusive interview with the DAYBREAK Newspaper.
He further stated that, he is calling on all supporters to come together and brace each other to move forward because when they come together, they can able to speak with one voice, and planning for the party’s progress.
He said the APC is the only political party that whenever they are in power the people of this country feel relief from stress and bad governance and corruption.
The people of this country, he added are fed-up with this failed pa-o-pa government, adding that this current government of President Bio has failed the people of this country woefully, and that there is nothing good to talk about the Sierra Leone People’s Party.
He noted that hardship and suffering has increased rapidly and that the people of this country barely survive by the will of God. “They have lost faith in this failed pa-o-pa government,” he said adding that for any one to be the next flag bearer of the party, they should come together and support that person and put aside grief and pettiness aside.